


In witness of the good test solutions by Seica, the first four CEM (Contract Electronics Manufacturing) in the world in terms of turnover, are today Seica customers, and specifically, users of Seica flying probers of Pilot and Pilot 4D product lines.

Used for years only for low-volumes and prototyping, today, the Seica flying probers have changed the field of application of these testers, serving as complete test platforms for any type of tests (in-circuit, functional, visual inspection, boundary scan, thermal test, laser, etc…) and with such speeds as to be applicable to consistent volumes, thus appealing also the fields of high-volume production like consumer electronics, of mobile phones and IT.

In order to correctly interface the production and manufacturing environments of great CEM companies, the Seica testers can today provide highly automated test solutions, with operator-free operation, but featuring automatic hardware/software architectures as well as SMEMA-compliant conveyors and similar. Moreover, for a full integration of the tester in the automated production line of electronic boards also from the IT point of view, the complete Seica product range may communicate with any traceability system, so as to offer also customized MES solutions, to comply with the quality standards in force at the customers who need to ensure the full traceability of every single board, manufactured and tested.
